
green baby

i'm a work in progress. concerning being 'green' that is. the area of my life where i am most green is where my daughter is involved. using organic dish soap, disinfecting wipes and not wearing perfume around her are just a few of the changes i've made. but i know i can do a lot more. for those mom's and dad's who are also interested in making smart and healthy choices for your little ones there is a great clothing company you might want to check into.mini moiche features stylish collections that are less like baby clothes and more like mini adult clothes. pieces that i myself would wear. not only do they pride themselves in their clothing not being too 'cutesy' but all of their clothing is environmentally friendly and made out of 100% certified organic cotton. 

please check out mini mioche you'll love it!

i have become infatuated with this children's line of clothes matilda jane. so glad that tayla thomforde introduced me to it! i must have a trunk show soon and i think paisley should have one of everything...

i heart these clothes. click here to see more matilda jane clothing.

has this ever happened to you? you're pushing your shopping cart or stroller through the local store and out of nowhere your previously pleasant little one is 'bent out of shape' to put it nicely! immediately you start grabbing for any stuffed animal or teething toy that might be shoved down in the diaper bag. sometime's even resorting to letting them play with the car key's, yuck! well this little container of goodness has become my hero for this very type of situation. a yummy and nutritious snack puff offered in 5 colorful flavors that are not only organic and healthy for our kids bodies but they actually taste really good! trust me i know, sometimes i sneak a few while feeding paisley.

plum organics is always certified organic, nutrient rich and uses no high fructose corn syrup. there are no trans fats, artificial ingredients and the packaging is BPA- free. there is also no added sugar, juice, color or flavors.

they have products available from baby to toddler age and you can check out their website plum organics to see it all! you can't go wrong with these snack's and i would seriously be shocked if your little one doesn't love them!

i have found myself in this situation one to many times. standing in the middle of my local baby superstore trying to assess what baby products are right for my little papoose... what an overwhelmingly daunting task. the cheeky sales attendants try to advise the best they can but shortly after they depart i begin to again sense the drowning feeling that i am going to make the wrong decision. now that my baby girl is almost 11 months (tear) i feel like i've gotten a bit better at this challenging task. so i thought why not share a few of my favorite things with other mama's out there who may be facing this same situation! 

my #1 favorite thing is by far california baby products. when my daughter was an infant we encountered a lot of rashes! it didn't take long for me to come to the realization that my daughter was born with skin a bit on the sensitive side like her mama. after trying a few of the major brand name skin care lines at the recommendation of a pediatrician and seeing zero results on my daughters skin i decided to search for a more sensitive and all natural line. enter california baby. shorty after we made the switch my daughters skin cleared up and has remained that way to this day! i highly recommend their products especially if your child's skin tends to be on the sensitive side!!

these three are my top favorites! super sensitive body wash and lotion which keeps there skin beautifully soft. and this sunscreen is so gentle and safe on their precious skin!

check out california baby here!