i love my church. this past weekend our pastor {who also happens to be my pops} taught an amazing message called "forgiftness".
it was all about how forgiveness is the most precious gift you could give and receive this holiday season.

"one of the things God is great at is forgetting. one of the things people are terrible at is forgetting."
-michael cameneti
we have been forgiven of so much. so why is it so hard for us to return this gift to others?
this holiday season let's decide to let the past be the past. to forgive ourselves. forgive each other {including family!} .and let ourselves out of the prison of un-forgiveness, offense and bitterness.
give the gift of forgiveness!

God's mercies are new every morning. and ours should be too!
happy wednesday,
{matthew 18:21-35, hebrews 10:16-17, lamentations 3:23}