

hey there! i'm stephanie and i want to thank you so much for visiting my blog!

 i'm just a mom who has always been drawn to unique and creative things. it wasn't until after my daughter was born that i started to pursue this passion and it has culminated into this blog {love. life. babies.}. 

i write about anything that has to do with the things i love in life and all things baby. sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's fashion and it's always lots of fun. 

i'm married to the greatest man in the world who is so encouraging, inspiring and an artist in his own right.


together we love Jesus, each other and our beautiful daughter paisley.


isn't she the cutest? love her.

a few interesting and slightly weird things about me....

1. i'm vegan.
2. i have a slight obsession with pistachios. seriously someone needs to ban me from eating them.
3. i like to sew even though i have no idea what i'm doing most of the time.
4. i love to read.
5. i lived in singapore for a small time.
6. sometimes i eat chips and salsa for brekkie.
7. i love creating the perfect party for any occasion.
7. i talk to myself out loud all the day long. 
8. i love games! any games, let's play something!
9. my husband and i are young adult pastors of the U.
10. most importantly i love Jesus with all my heart and my church

*if you would like to have a feature post or product giveaway on this blog or are interested in advertising rates please contact me at [email protected]